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  President Announces Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement  CSPAN  June 1, 2017 4:18pm-4:53pm EDT

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"washington journal. we will ask you to grade the president and congress not just on climate change but radio hosts across the country will chime in. tomorrow at 7:00 eastern on c-span and c-span radio app your .ext, comments this morning this afternoon just wrapped up. donald trump announcing the u.s. stepping away from the paris climate accord. [applause] donald trump: thank you very much. thank you. begin byike to addressing the terrorist attack in manila. we are closely monitoring the situation, and i will continue to give updates, if anything
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happened during this time, but it is really sad what is going on. world withthe terror. prayers are and with all of those affected. before we discuss the paris accord, i would like to begin with an update on the economic progress on november 8. the economy is starting to come rapidly. very, very we have added $3.3 trillion in stock market value to our economy and more than one million private sector jobs. i have just returned from a trip overseas where we concluded nearly $3 billion of economic development.
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united states creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. trip, a very successful believe me. [applause] and my meetings at the g7, we have taken historic steps to demand fair and reciprocal trade that gives americans a level playing field against other nations. we are also working very hard for peace in the middle east, and perhaps even peace between the israelis and the palestinians. our attacks on terrorism are greatly stepped up, and you see that. you see it all over. from the previous administration, including getting many other countries to making major contributions to the fight against terror, big, big contributions are being made by countries that weren't doing so much in the form of contributions.
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one by one, we are keeping their promises i made to the american people during my campaign for president whether it is cutting , job-killing regulations, appointing and confirming a tremendous supreme court justice, putting in place tough new ethics rules, achieving a record reduction in illegal immigration on our southern border, or bringing jobs, plants, and factories back into the united states at numbers which no one, until this point, thought even possible. and believe me, we've just begun. the fruits of our labor will be seen very shortly even more so. on these issues and so many more, we are following through on our commitments. and i don't want anything to get in our way.
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i am fighting every day for the great people of this country. therefore, in order to fulfill my solid duty to protect america and its citizens, the united states will withdraw -- [applause] donald trump: from the paris climate accord -- [applause] [cheers] donald trump: thank you. [applause] donald trump: thank you. [applause] donald trump: but begin negotiations to reenter either the paris accord or really an entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the united states, its businesses, its workers, its people, its taxpayers. so we are getting out. but we will start to negotiate
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, and we will see if we can make a deal that is fair. and if we can, that's great. [applause] donald trump: and if we can't, that's fine. [applause] as president, i can put no other consideration before the well-being of american citizens. the paris climate accord is simple in the latest example of washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the united states to the exclusive benefit of other countries, leaving american workers, who i to absorbtaxpayers the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages shuttered factories, , and vastly diminished economic production. thus, as of today, the united states will cease all implementation of the nonbinding
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paris accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country. this includes ending the implementation of the nationally determined contribution and, very importantly, the green climate fund, which is costing the united states a vast fortune. compliant with the terms of the paris accord and the owners energy restrictions it has placed -- the onerous energy restrictions placed on the united states could cost america as much as 2.5 million lost jobs by 2025, according to the national economic research associates. this includes 435
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-- 430,000 you are manufacturing jobs. this is not what we need. believe me, this is not what we need. including automobile jobs, and the further decimation of vital american industries on which countless communities rely. they rely for so much, and we would be giving them so little. according to the same study, by 2040, compliance with the commitments put into place by the previous administration would cut production for the following sectors. paper, down 12%, cement, down 23%, iron and steel, down 38%, coal -- and i happen to love the coal miners -- down 86%, natural
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gas, down 31%. the cost of the economy at this time would be close to $3 trillion in lost gdp and 6.5 million industrial jobs while households would have $7000 less income, and, in many cases, much worse than that. not only does this deal subject our citizens to harsh economic restrictions, it fails to live up to our environmental ideals. as someone who cares deeply about the environment, which i do, i cannot in good conscience support a deal that punishes the united states, which is what it does. the world's leader in environmental protection, while
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imposing no meaningful obligation on the world's leading polluters. for example, under the agreement, china will be able to increase these emissions by a staggering number of years, 13. they can do whatever they want for 13 years, not us. india makes its participation contingent on receiving billions and billions and billions and of dollars in foreign aid from developed countries. there are many other examples. but the bottom line is that the paris accord is very unfair at the highest level to the united states. further, while the current agreement effectively blocks the development of clean coal in
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america, which it does, and the mines are starting to open up -- having a big opening in two weeks. pennsylvania, ohio, west virginia, so many places. a big opening of a brand-new mine is unheard of, for so many years, it hasn't happened. they asked me if i would go. i'm going to try. china will be allowed to build hundreds of additional coal plants. so we can't build the plants, but they can, according to this agreement. india will be allowed to double its coal production by 2020. think of it. india can double their coal production. we are supposed to get rid of ours. even europe is allowed to continue construction of coal plants. in short, the agreement doesn't eliminate coal jobs. it just transfers those jobs out of america and the united states and ships them to foreign countries.
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this agreement is less about the climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the united states. the rest of the world applauded when we signed the paris agreement. they went wild. they were so happy. for the simple reason that it put our country, the united states of america, which we all love, at a very, very big economic disadvantage. a cynic would say the obvious reason for economic competitors and their wish to see us remain in the agreement is so that we continue to suffer this self-inflicted major economic wound. we would find it very hard to
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compete with other countries from other parts of the world. we have all the most abundant energy reserves in the planet, sufficient to lift millions of america's poorest workers out of we have all the most abundant energy reserves in the planet, sufficient to lift millions of america's poorest workers out of poverty. yet, under this agreement, we are effectively putting these reserves under lock and key, taking away the great wealth of our nation, great wealth, a nominal wealth. not so long ago, we had no idea we had such wealth. and leaving millions and millions of families trapped in poverty and joblessness. the agreement is a massive redistribution of united states wealth to other countries. at 1% growth, renewable sources of energy can meet some of our domestic demands.
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but at 3% or 4% growth, which i expect, we need all forms of available american energy for our country. [applause] we will be at great risk of brownouts and blackouts. business will come to a halt in many cases. and the american family will suffer the consequences in the form of lost jobs and a very diminished quality of life. even if the paris agreement were implemented in full, the total compliant -- with total compliance from all nations, it is estimated it would only produce 2/10 of one degree -- think of that, this much -- celsius reduction in global temperature by the year 2100.
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tiny, tiny amount here in 14 days of carbon emissions from china alone would wipe out the gains from america. this is an incredible statistic. it would totally wipe out the gains from america's expected reductions in the year 2030, after we have had to spend billions and billions of dollars, lost jobs, closed factories, and suffered much higher energy costs for our businesses and for our homes. as the wall street journal wrote this morning, the reality is that with the drawing is in america's economic interest and won't matter much to the climate.
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the united states, under the drop administration, will continue to be the cleanest and most environmentally friendly country on earth. it will be the cleanest. we will have the cleanest air. we are going to have the cleanest water. we will be environmentally friendly. but we are not going to put our businesses out of work. we are not going to lose our jobs. we are going to grow. we are going to grow. rapidly [applause] and i think you just read, it came out minutes ago, the small business report -- small businesses as of just now are booming, hiring people. one of the best reports they have seen in many years.
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i'm willing to immediately work with democratic leaders to either negotiate our way back into paris, under the terms that are fair to the united states and its workers or to negotiate a new deal that protects our country and its exports. [applause] so if the of want to get together with me, let's make them non-obstructionists -- so i think the people of our country will be thrilled and then the people of the world will be thrilled. but until we do that, we are out of the agreement. i will work to ensure that america remains the world's leader on environmental issues.
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but under a framework that is fair and with the burden and responsibilities equally shared among the many nations all around the world. no responsible leader can put the workers and the people of their country at this debilitating and tremendous disadvantage. the fact that the parish deal -- the paris deal hamstrings the united states while empowering some of the world's top polluting countries should dispel any doubt as to the real reason why foreign lobbyists wish to keep our magnificent country tied up and down down by this agreement. it is to give their country and economic edge over the united
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states. that's not going to happen while i am president. i'm sorry. [cheers and applause] my job as president is to do everything within my power to give america a level playing field, and to create the economic regulatory and tax structures that make america the most prosperous and productive country on earth. and with the highest standard of living and the highest standard of environmental protection. our tax bill is moving along in congress and i believe it is doing very well. i think a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised. the republicans are working very, very hard. we would love to have support
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from the democrats, but we may have to go it alone. but it is going very well. the paris agreement handicaps the united states economy in order to win praise from the very foreign capital and global activists that have long sought to gain wealth at our country's expense. they don't put america first. i do. and i always will. [applause] the same nations asking us to stay in the agreement are the countries that have collectively cost of america trillions of dollars through tough trade practices and, in many cases, lax contributions to our critical military alliance. you see what is happening. pretty obvious to those who want to keep an open mind.
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at what point does america get demeaned? at what point do they start laughing at us as a country? we want fair treatment for its citizens and we want fair treatment for our taxpayers. we don't want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore. and they won't be. they won't be. i was elected to represent the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. [applause] i promised i would exit or renegotiate any deal that fails to serve america's interests. many trade deals will soon be under renegotiation. very rarely do we have a deal
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that works for this country. but they will soon be under renegotiation. the process has begun from day one. but now we are down to business. beyond the severe energy restrictions inflicted by the paris accord, it includes yet another scheme to redistribute wealth out of the united states, through the so-called green climate fund -- nice name -- which calls for developed countries to send $100 billion to developing countries, all on top of america's existing and massive foreign aid payments. we are going to be paying billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars and we are already way ahead of anybody else. many of the other countries haven't spent anything.
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and many of them will never pay one dime. the green fund would likely obligate the united states to commit potentially tens of billions of dollars, of which the united states has already handed over $1 billion -- nobody else is even close to most of them haven't even paid anything -- including funds raided out of america's budget for the war against terrorism.
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me. believe me, they didn't come from me. it came just before i came into office. not good. not good the way they took the money. in 2015, the united nations the parting top climate officials reportedly described the $1 billion per year as peanuts, and stated that the $100 billion is the tail that wags the dog. in 2015, the green climate fund executive director reportedly stated that estimated funding needed would increase to $450 billion per year after 2020. and nobody even knows where the money is going to. nobody has been able to say where is it going to. of course come other worlds top polluters have no affirmative obligations under the green fund, which we terminate. america is $20 trillion in debt. cash strapped cities cannot hire enough police officers or fix vital infrastructure. millions of our citizens are out of work.
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and yet, under the paris accord, billions of dollars that ought to be invested right here in america will be sent to the very countries that have taken our factories and our jobs away from us. think of that. factories and our jobs away from there are serious legal and constitutional issues as well. foreign leaders in europe, asia, and across the world should not have more to say with respect to the u.s. economy than our own citizens and their elected representatives.
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thus, our withdrawal from the agreement represents a reassertion of america's sovereignty. [applause] our constitution is unique among all nations of the world. and it is my highest obligation and greatest honor to protect it. and i will. staying in the agreement could also pose serious obstacles for the united states as we begin the process of unlocking the restrictions on america's abundant energy reserves, which we have started very strongly. it would have once been unthinkable that an international agreement could prevent the united states from conducting its own domestic economic affairs. but this is the new reality we face, if we do not leave the
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agreement or if we do not negotiate a far better deal. the risks grow historically. these agreements only tend to become more and more ambitious overtime. in other words, the paris framework is just a starting point, as bad as it is, not an endpoint. exiting the agreement protects the united states from future intrusions on the united states sovereignty, and massive future legal liability -- believe me, we have massive legal liability if we stay in. as president, i have one obligation, and that obligation is to the american people.
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the paris accord would undermine our economy, hamstring our workers, weaken our sovereignty, and pose unacceptable -- impose unacceptable legal risks, and put us at a considerable this advantage to the other countries in the world. it is time to exit the paris accord. [applause] and time to pursue a new deal that protects the environment, our companies, our citizens, and our country. it is time to put youngstown, ohio, detroit, michigan, and pittsburgh, pennsylvania, along with many, many other locations within our great country before paris, france. it is time to make america great again. thank you.
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[applause] thank you. thank you very much. thank you very much. very important. i'd like to ask scott pruitt, who most of you know and respect, as i do, just to say a you words. [applause] donald trump: i would like to ask scott pruitt who most of you know and respect as i do just to say a few words. scott, please. scott pruit: thank you, mr. president. your decision today to exit the paris accord reflects your unflinching commitment to put america first and by exiting, you are fulfilling yet one more campaign promise to the american people. i'm thankful for your fortitude,
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courage and steadfastness as you serve and lead our country. america finally has a leader who answers to the people, not the special interests that have had their way far too long. you are a champion for the president. your decision today to exit the people across this land just want the government that listens to them and represent their interests. you are promised to put america first in all that you do. you have done that in any number of ways, trade and national security to protecting the border to right-siding washington, d.c. this is a restoration of american economic independence, one that will benefit the working class, working for and working people of all stripes of all colors. we as a nation better than anybody in the world can strike the balance between working the economy, growing jobs and the environment. we owe nobody.
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before the paris accord was signed, america had reduced the co2 footprint to the levels of the early 1990's. between 2014 and 2000, they reduce carbon 18%. this was accomplished not to government mandate but innovation and technology of american private sector. you have corrected of view that was paramount in paris, yet somehow the united states should paralyze its own kind while the rest of the world of little. we lead with action, not words. [applause]
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scott pruit: our efforts mr. president as you know, our innovation, donations who seek to reduce co2 learn from us. that should be the focus, first the dreams of unachievable targets. mr. president, it takes courage. it takes commitment to say no to people while doing what is right. you have that courage, and the american people can take comfort as you have their backs. thank you, mr. president. [applause] ♪ [applause]
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former president barack obama issued this statement concerning president trump's decision to withdraw from the harris clement i believe the united states of america should be at the front of the pack but even in the absence of american leadership, even if this administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future, i am confident that cities, and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way and help protect for future generations the one planet we got. the senate intelligence committee announced today that former fbi director james comey will testify next thursday on possible russian and cooking last year's election. mr. comey testify in an open session, followed by a close session to allow sensitive
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information. c-span3 have live coverage of his testimony which begins at 10:00 a.m. eastern. you can also watch live online at or use the c-span radio app. >> it resulted in a naval victory in the u.s. and japan six months after pearl harbor. friday, american history tv will be live all day from the macarthur memorial visitor's center in norfolk virginia for the 75th annual -- 75th anniversary of the battle midway. the author of a book about admirals who won the war at sea will be there, elliott paulson with his book -- the odyssey of -- the code breaker who outwitted yamamoto, and piccoli, co-author of shattered sword, and told story of the battle of midway, and timothy board, co-author of never call me a
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bureau, a legendary american guide -- autopilot remembers the battle of midway. watch the battle midway 75th anniversary special live in the macarthur memorial visitors center and no fork, virginia, at friday beginning at 9:30 a.m. eastern on american history's -- american history tv of c-span3. hours --he next two commencement just from around the country with new jersey senator cory booker, vice illinois like tents, senator tammy duckworth, former president bill clinton. former senator kelly ayotte -- -- and chair of joint chiefs of staff, -- we start the senator booker who spoke to graduates at the university of pennsylvania in philadelphia. [applause] k